Project:Mechanized Overlord -or- Some like it bot.

I did some math recently, and in order to complete my goal of global domination through liberal use of death dispensing robots by the age of 35 (which for those of you keeping score at home is a little less than 7 years from now), I really need to have a pre-production model for my killing machines by the time I am 30 (again, a little less than 2 years for the math challenged). Allow 1 full year for armament procurement and the date gets pushed back even further, this time to my 29th birthday. Which is less than a year from now my friends.

Destiny is at hand.

In order to further Project:MechanizedOverlord, I began with a standard Vex robotics system (donated by the Sonofillfate) and a wireless cam setup (purchased from the Radio Shack). I assembled the frame in what is pretty much a standard squarebot configuration and hung the wheels, drivetrain, control box, reciever and battery packs onto the frame. Each wheel is independantly driven by a dedicated motor concealed in the frame, and the control configuration uses “tank-style” sticks. Originally smaller wheels were used, but with the increase in torque afforded from a 4-motor drive setup, I figured the increase in traction and ground clearance would be extremely useful. Once I had full control and everything was behaving as I wanted it to, I took it out for a spin for a run around the living room, which included moving from carpet to tile and vice-versa, low and high speed (relatively) operation, as well as some off-roading over lamp bases and my cat’s tail (sorry Selfie).


The trial runs around the room revealed some flaws in the design. While I had plenty of torque (afforded by the gearing) to move over small obstacles, if the angle of attack was too high the bot would actually tip to the rear because the center of gravity was wrong. Rear wheelie bars (rigid straps?) were added to correct for this, and while they are certainly effective, I still think it’s a kludge that just isnt really too elegant. Somewhere in the maiden trip I also lost the sheathe for the antenna, so for now it’s just wrapped vacuum cleaner style around a couple mounting points on the frame.


With the major mechanical problems solved, it was time to move onto the spy-tech shit. The camera is a wireless cam with a range of about 90-100 feet through walls, and it is recieved by a small pack (not pictured) that connects to any standard RCA style video input. I have the reciever hooked up to a Pelican PS2 monitor that serves it purpose perfectly. The only downside is that at this point the whole video reciever package must be tethered to socketed power. On the bot, power to the camera is supplied via a 9v battery, but I would like to tie both the camera and it’s accompanying LED light pod into a secondary Li-Po accesory pack.


It still needs a bunch of power system modifications, an aluminum shell, some foam cladding for the more impact sensitive parts, some sort of a weapon, and a merciless sense of determination, among other things. However, I still have almost a year before it needs to be ready.

I just figured I would clue you guys in, so you will be in the know when my evil robot armies come to your town. 🙂

~ by skipjenkins on January 29, 2007.

7 Responses to “Project:Mechanized Overlord -or- Some like it bot.”

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